Motion Impossible Twin Camera Mounting
In TRAX configuration, the AGITO can support up to two camera systems simultaneously with two Mitchell Plates and Offset Mounting Brackets with a maximum total payload of 198lb / 90kg.
Standard configurations include:
- Mitchell + Mitchell (99lb + 99lb / 45kg + 45kg max payload)
- Mitchell + Tower (141lb + 48.5lb / 64kg + 22kg max payload)
- Tower + Tower (48.5lb + 48.5lb / 22kg + 22kg max payload)
- Even with two Towers mounted, the system still weighs
- less than 150lb (68 kg), excluding payload.
Risers can be added as needed to dial in base lens height or address clearance issues. AGITO’s extensive modularity enables the user to adapt its mounting configuration as needed, and build totally custom rigs.